Friday, May 6, 2011

Bring it on, buster! I'm more than ready for the likes of you! HAH!

I don't know how many people out there actually remember my rant about gaining weight.... The time when I found out that I'd gained 8 kilograms (that's 13 lbs) in a month, I was hitting every single panic button I could find! And so, yours truly was looking more like this!

And thus, after some careful consideration and research, (read whining and googling about flabby body parts and their disappearance), I've decided I'll be doing a lot of this...

A hula to the left
and a hula to the right!

And some more of these,

Until finally, I am back to the wonderful shape that I was in before!

Wish me luck folks! I'm going to need all the encouragement I can garner! From tomorrow, I'm meeting Fat, head on! WASHBOARD ABS HERE I COME!!!!

絶対 できるよ!!!!万歳 よ!!! 


  1. Good luck lass!!! I lost more than 8 kg's in 6 months. May you accomplish the mission!

  2. Hi Anonymous! Thanks for the encouragement! :) And I've lost a kilo already!
