Sunday, January 17, 2016

I bid thee Adieu... perhaps for now... perhaps forever!

I am aware that I haven’t been updating the blog for quite some time now. And I could go about how I will be judicious in my updates going forward. But then again, we will all know that to be nothing but placation from my end, for God knows what!

I have come to realize that this blog has been slowly dying. There used to be a time when I would write very regularly. But my life right now is so hectic that I can barely find time to do anything other than come home and sleep.

It is not the right way to live life, I know. But for now, I need to slave. Perhaps there will be a time when I will find it within myself to take up blogging with the amount of seriousness that it deserves.
   Until then, I am closing this blog down.

Perhaps we will meet in a different place, under a different name. Until then, good bye. And may the gods keep you well.